Who are my heroes? What is it to be a hero? What does a person need to do to become a hero?
Then, I thought about my childhood, and about the characters I used to consider my heroes. Well, first, I always liked spider-man, I think he’s still my favorite one, but I’m not able to see him as I used to anymore. Maybe he became different, or did I?
I think the answer is clear.
Is it necessary to wear red (or any other nonsense color) and to have super powers? Oh, Now, when I see Peter Parker, I think the only spider-man’s heroic act is to have the strength to accept he killed his uncle. He fights his own demons and he goes after something he can never find: forgiveness. The truth is that there’s no escaping from the past. You can’t live before facing it.
What about the other super heroes? We have Superman, Batman, and Hulk (just to mention the most famous ones. And I apologize if I let many good ones out of the list, but in the end, they are all the same).
Starting tomorrow, I’ll write four little articles about these four super heroes. My intention is to show what lies under their apparent faces. And maybe, after all of this, I can find again a reason to believe the world can be saved by a web among buildings or by a sad man who likes red and blue clothes.
Words to describe super heroes? They don’t exist, both of them. Children are the happiest people in the word because they don’t need words to believe. They just do. I Don’t.
Eu acho o que você disse esta certo, maaas... os herois existem para mostrar que ainda há uma chance de algum ser HUMANO faça algo decente pela nossa sobrevivencia. São so desenhos que usam cueca por cima da calça que usufluem da mente humana para ganhar ibope, deixa eles serem felizes, porque eles nem existem..
ResponderExcluirO ser humano mais inteligente que vc conhece, A. (humble)
I'm thinking about using underwear over my paints too. Maybe this is the only way to find super powers, don't you agree?