And then, she stood in front of Harry, held her wand up and protected him... I felt a true and urgent need to cry, but I didn’t, because it was only the beginning. (scene from HP7-P2 and my reaction to it).
Do not pity the dead Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love.
.....Dumbledore's quote......
Everything looked just normal. A crowded place, busy people walking around, minding their business. An alley in London. Nothing really different from another street in any big city in the world. In the end of it, there was a wall. Just a common wall. No one would never stop to pay attention to it. And this is how the story goes until the end, right? No, it’s not right. There’s much more than this. There’s magic behind this wall.

They were just red old bricks, however, if you knew exactly where to touch them with your wand (assuming you have one), they would magically change and open to you. Through this path, you would be able to go into a world you never thought that could exist.
Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
.....Dumbledore's quote.....
It was a rainy morning, I was feeling a little sleepy, since it was early (around 7 a.m., if I’m not wrong). I can’t remember all the details, like for example why we were going to watch a movie, what date we were in, but I think we were close to Christmas and that’s why one of the teachers took a movie to the school. Everybody sat on the ground and found a place where they could see the TV. I was ready and expecting for another silly movie (at school teachers don't use to play really good movies), but then, when the movie started, I couldn’t stop watching it until the end. If someone had asked me, I wouldn't know what to say about it. And when it was over, I just wanted to start watching it again. This was the first time I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone, and I couldn’t wait to read the book.
Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
.....Dumbledore's quote.....
That small boy grew up. He learnt that in life, sometimes, the most important thing we have are our friends, who are a real and valuable family. He found out that differences can be used to jugde people and that this is wrong. He saw how unfair justice can be and how the world is not a bed of roses for everyone. He grew up stronger. It was in the middle of a storm of new experiences and problems that he faced death for the first time. He watched his loved ones die and he grew up feeling the lack of his parent’s love. He lost almost everything... But he kept the faith in friendship and he never ceased to believe. He believed in his friends, in his feelings, in the magic. He learnt how to keep going. His name is Harry Potter.
Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.
.....Dumbledore's quote.....
Some people say it’s a fool story. They use to say it’s too far from reality, but that’s because they can’t see how reality really is. We are surrounded by all kinds of magic.
I don’t believe that there is a single person who have never experienced how powerful friendship can be. Who has never felt the size of the happiness of having a friend on your side, of not being alone. And is it possible to find anyone who has never made mistakes and then tried to repair the damages? I don’t think so. This is Harry Potter; a representation of the growth process. For the ones who don’t believe in magic, maybe this is the time to stop a little and think in everything we are. Is it possible to live in a world with no mysteries? Is it possible to live without feelings?

The fact is: it’s not a question of seeing how impossible things are, but of thinking “what if they could be possible?”
I am from the generation who grew up reading and watching HP series, and I can say that it was really part of my life. During all those years, I’ve always felt the magic that echoes from that story. And now, this month, when I watched the movie and realized that it was the end, it was impossible avoid thinking about my own childhood. There are so many memories attached to this whole series.
Despite all the other things I could say about the book series, movies, games and any other stuff included, what I’m feeling now is joy. I feel happy for being in the group of people who saw everything from the beginning, who waited long years until the books come on sale, and gathered together to discuss and try to guess what was coming next. I’m happy for being one of the children who has always waited to receive a letter from Hogwarts and see an owl arriving at the front door. I'm happy because I believe, and I will always do.
Thanks J.K. Rowling for all those years of magic. The real and most beautiful spell still remains in mine and in all your fan’s hearts.