Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Is there any need to say something about this?
This is that kind of dream that is dreamnt with eyes wide open and feet above the clouds, it's not more than a breath, but if you want you can come and breath with me: there is still enough air for all of us in the world! Let's have a last dance before everything ends...
“If being crazy means living life as if it really matters, then I don’t care if we are completely insane.” (April’s though about trying to make dreams come true). We have just one life to live and sometimes just one chance to take risks and maybe (just maybe) be happy. If you let it go, you can never find yourself again in the middle of this complicated web of sorrows called life. Forget to live for a while and when you open your eyes again and take a look around you will find out that life was gone, and possibilities don’t even exist anymore. What if nothing is possible? What if you were fated to fail? Would you accept destiny or would you have the strength to fight?
‘Revolutionary road’ was recorded this year (2009) and it’s a movie that brings the sensation that everything is possible, existence is beautiful, and then, after one or two scenes, you are sure that life is a lie, a dream, a bitter and dreary dream. In
In this movie we see Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet working together again. They, who are one of the most famous couple in cinema since they actuated in Titanic, are just brilliant in this contemporary tragedy called ‘life’. The story which is based in a namesake book (a best seller by David Yates) starts with a couple’s plans and dreams. They are beautiful, young, and full of hope: “There’s nothing in the world you couldn’t do or be!” Says Winslet’s character named April to her husband Frank, represented by Dicaprio. They get married, have two children, and move to a neighborhood called
As the director (Winslet’s husband) says: “The dynamic between April and Frank was so powerful and so realistic and it felt like you were a fly on the wall listening to an intimate relationship disintegrate”. Watching a movie like this one help us think a little about life, about how small and weak we are in this infinite universe. You feel like in a prison from where you can’t escape because this prison is your own life! That’s human beings. You can’t point a finger cause there’s no good and bad guys, there are just guys. If you are not happy about your life go on and change it before it changes you.