Hagrid to Harry "Some say he died. Codswallop, in my opinion. Dunno if he had enough human left in him to die."
Well, well, well, is there someone in the world who doesn’t know him? “The one who must not be named”, or “you know who”, like wizards and witches would say.
In fact, I think this is one of the greatest book series ever written. It’s true it doesn’t have many deep content, and that J.K. Rowling isn’t a Saramago or a Dostoyevsky, but, anyway, she was able to create something that captivated millions of people around the world. So, tell me: how can thousands of millions be totally wrong? Oh, I think they can’t…
I’ll tell you how my first contact with the series was: I was about 14 or 15, (don’t say it was many years ago, please!), and I was at school. On that day, there was a missing teacher, so someone (a blessed person) had the extraordinary idea of playing us a movie, and, guess what… The movie was Harry Potter and the sorcerer stone.
At that time, I didn’t know it yet and I wasn’t really interested in it. I already was a lover of reading, but Harry Potter wasn’t one of my preferences. So, I started to watch the movie with no expectations, and I was one of the only ones who had not watched it yet. In the beginning I didn’t care, but then, when Harry finally arrived at Diagonal Alley, I could feel the magic of the story…
Well, but this text isn’t about it, but about the villain of the story.

Lord Voldemort, “the one who must not be named”, is a spectacular character. One of the most interesting things about him, in my opinion, is that we can see his development through the seven books. We see how he gets stronger and stronger and has no mercy on the ones who stands against him. We can understand how he became what he is.
I think he has one very important ingredient to be a good villain: he has no fear of nothing. Let’s compare: the most powerful and great characters of the book are Professor Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort, but this last one gets to a higher level.
Dumbledore is very intelligent and an exceptional wizard, but he has limits from where he can’t go on. Voldemort, however, doesn’t. Our villain here becomes successful where Dumbledore fails: he doesn’t stops until beating the last enemy: death.
Lord Voldemort is so terrifying that his name has enough power to scare people. When he arrives, there’s no need for a word, just a freezing look is able to transmit his wills.
Besides all of this, there is still another characteristic that makes him a classic villain: he wants to dominate the world. He wants to be the real lord of everybody.

If we analyze him, we can see that Voldermort is a traditional villain. He is evil in all his existence, and behind all this wickedness there is a story of a disturbing life. Since he was a child he was already cruel. When he grows up, he doesn’t stop for nothing, he wants power.
“There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it”
(Lord Voldemort).
"You know who" deserves to be feared by people. He is not just scaring; he is a monster, a real one.
The Dark Lord’s Best Quotation:
“Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies. You must know this, Dumbledore”.