Let’s follow a short story: you were just a normal person, an ordinary guy who was used to do ordinary things. You were a watchmaker, and just like the biggest part of humanity: you weren’t more than a little part of nothing in the huge universe, invisible and predictable.
Think a little: how long could you stand an empty life without a trace of hope or faith? Could you live with yourself while you know you are fated to be nothing?
Sometimes you know you must, should and need to do something else, but you don’t do because you can’t. You are the right one, but something is wrong. You have to find what it is. Fast.
Then, one day, when you have almost lost all your hope, someone (a Scientist) comes to your door and says that you are special. You are someone who is supposed to change everything in the world, because you have powers. You have extraordinary powers.
Of course you feel the flame inside you again. You were not wrong. There is something for you, and now, you have found it.
However, after a first happy moment and many scientific tests, your savior says he was wrong. It wasn’t you. You don’t have powers, you don’t have anything special, and you are just someone else in the crowd, and now, after living the dream, you can just go back to normal life.
Oh, no, but you can’t stand your life anymore. In a second you believe, then, you realize it was just an illusion.
So, when everything seems to be lost, you find the one who has special powers. He is the right guy, but when you see this person you notice he is a strange, ugly, normal, common and ordinary man, although he has special powers. He has your special powers, the ones you were supposed to carry. He is in your place.
Then, after a second of clarity, you understand that the real problem isn’t in you, but in them. You finally understand: people in the world are the true problem. They are broken. You are supposed to become big, but the sickness of the world doesn’t let you to.
So, you have to take back what belongs to you: your powers. And you know the only way is killing these unworthy people because they don’t deserve the honor of being special.
You kill the guy and accidentally (using a Christmas souvenir) you open his head, and see that you can understand it all. Not just the way people act, but the way everything works, including people’s minds and powers. You are even able to learn how to use these special abilities, but for this, you have to open people’s head and take a look at their brain, because, as a machine, there is a logical reason for everything.
From this moment on, your mission in the world is to fix what is wrong and take the powers from these lost citizens. That’s you: you could be a hero, but you aren’t, because you don’t believe in heroes.
The whole world is mistaken: you are not just one more, you are the one.
That’s Gabriel Gray’s story, known as SYLAR.
In the TV series HEROES, the main and most interesting character is SYLAR, a villain that is more than just bad. He really believes what he does is right, because he needs to “save” humanity from the great evil: themselves.
The TV series is about some people who find out they have special powers and start to develop them. This happens because evolution, it’s a story about natural selection and how the species change to adapt in world conditions.
The series is good because it has a very interesting philosophical background about finding a way to save the world (that’s the biggest concern), and it has a convincing and rational explanation for everything. When you watch it, you always get surprised with things that happen.
Sylar is the main villain (yeah, there are more than just one) and he is spectacular one because he starts from zero, when he understands that his special power is being able to understand everything.
However, Sylar doesn’t use it to save nothing, but to take what he wants. The first special powers he steals is the mind power: telekinesis. Then, we see a particular show every time he uses people’s powers and get new ones. Instead of the original owners, he always knows how to use all the powers and he is never afraid of doing this.
It’s a horror show watch him hunting other people and doing extraordinary things with many different powers. He is, certainly, one of the most powerful villains it exists, but he isn’t invincible.
HEROES is a very good program, but just in its first season, from the second on, there are many mistakes and problems in the plot.
Sylar’s best quotation: “You are broken. I’ll fix you”. (he says

it before opening people’s heads).
There are more secrets about him I won’t tell; maybe if you watch it you will see.
Be careful, he makes no noise and you can’t see him, but don’t worry, he’ll help you taking this trivial thing you call life.
Give him your grade and let your comments please.
i think it couldn't be another villain. A villain is not a really villain if it doesn't have a weak point.
ResponderExcluirMaybe I'm just another ordinary person, maybe. A.