This is that kind of dream that is dreamnt with eyes wide open and feet above the clouds, it's not more than a breath, but if you want you can come and breath with me: there is still enough air for all of us in the world! Let's have a last dance before everything ends...
Hagrid to Harry "Some say he died. Codswallop, in my opinion. Dunno if he had enough human left in him to die."
Well, well, well, is there someone in the world who doesn’t know him? “The one who must not be named”, or “you know who”, like wizards and witches would say.
In fact, I think this is one of the greatest book series ever written. It’s true it doesn’t have many deep content, and that J.K. Rowling isn’t a Saramago or a Dostoyevsky, but, anyway, she was able to create something that captivated millions of people around the world. So, tell me: how can thousands of millions be totally wrong? Oh, I think they can’t…
I’ll tell you how my first contact with the series was: I was about 14 or 15, (don’t say it was many years ago, please!), and I was at school. On that day, there was a missing teacher, so someone (a blessed person) had the extraordinary idea of playing us a movie, and, guess what… The movie was Harry Potter and the sorcerer stone.
At that time, I didn’t know it yet and I wasn’t really interested in it. I already was a lover of reading, but Harry Potter wasn’t one of my preferences. So, I started to watch the movie with no expectations, and I was one of the only ones who had not watched it yet. In the beginning I didn’t care, but then, when Harry finally arrived at Diagonal Alley, I could feel the magic of the story…
Well, but this text isn’t about it, but about the villain of the story.
Lord Voldemort, “the one who must not be named”, is a spectacular character. One of the most interesting things about him, in my opinion, is that we can see his development through the seven books. We see how he gets stronger and stronger and has no mercy on the ones who stands against him. We can understand how he became what he is.
I think he has one very important ingredient to be a good villain: he has no fear of nothing. Let’s compare: the most powerful and great characters of the book are Professor Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort, but this last one gets to a higher level.
Dumbledore is very intelligent and an exceptional wizard, but he has limits from where he can’t go on. Voldemort, however, doesn’t. Our villain here becomes successful where Dumbledore fails: he doesn’t stops until beating the last enemy: death.
Lord Voldemort is so terrifying that his name has enough power to scare people. When he arrives, there’s no need for a word, just a freezing look is able to transmit his wills.
Besides all of this, there is still another characteristic that makes him a classic villain: he wants to dominate the world. He wants to be the real lord of everybody.
If we analyze him, we can see that Voldermort is a traditional villain. He is evil in all his existence, and behind all this wickedness there is a story of a disturbing life. Since he was a child he was already cruel. When he grows up, he doesn’t stop for nothing, he wants power.
“There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it”
(Lord Voldemort).
"You know who" deserves to be feared by people. He is not just scaring; he is a monster, a real one.
The Dark Lord’s Best Quotation:
“Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies. You must know this, Dumbledore”.
Let’s follow a short story: you were just a normal person, an ordinary guy who was used to do ordinary things. You were a watchmaker, and just like the biggest part of humanity: you weren’t more than a little part of nothing in the huge universe, invisible and predictable.
Think a little: how long could you stand an empty life without a trace of hope or faith? Could you live with yourself while you know you are fated to be nothing?
Sometimes you know you must, should and need to do something else, but you don’t do because you can’t. You are the right one, but something is wrong. You have to find what it is. Fast.
Then, one day, when you have almost lost all your hope, someone (a Scientist) comes to your door and says that you are special. You are someone who is supposed to change everything in the world, because you have powers. You have extraordinary powers.
Of course you feel the flame inside you again. You were not wrong. There is something for you, and now, you have found it.
However, after a first happy moment and many scientific tests, your savior says he was wrong. It wasn’t you. You don’t have powers, you don’t have anything special, and you are just someone else in the crowd, and now, after living the dream, you can just go back to normal life.
Oh, no, but you can’t stand your life anymore. In a second you believe, then, you realize it was just an illusion.
So, when everything seems to be lost, you find the one who has special powers. He is the right guy, but when you see this person you notice he is a strange, ugly, normal, common and ordinary man, although he has special powers. He has your special powers, the ones you were supposed to carry. He is in your place.
Then, after a second of clarity, you understand that the real problem isn’t in you, but in them. You finally understand: people in the world are the true problem. They are broken. You are supposed to become big, but the sickness of the world doesn’t let you to.
So, you have to take back what belongs to you: your powers. And you know the only way is killing these unworthy people because they don’t deserve the honor of being special.
You kill the guy and accidentally (using a Christmas souvenir) you open his head, and see that you can understand it all. Not just the way people act, but the way everything works, including people’s minds and powers. You are even able to learn how to use these special abilities, but for this, you have to open people’s head and take a look at their brain, because, as a machine, there is a logical reason for everything.
From this moment on, your mission in the world is to fix what is wrong and take the powers from these lost citizens. That’s you: you could be a hero, but you aren’t, because you don’t believe in heroes.
The whole world is mistaken: you are not just one more, you are the one.
That’s Gabriel Gray’s story, known as SYLAR.
In the TV series HEROES, the main and most interesting character is SYLAR, a villain that is more than just bad. He really believes what he does is right, because he needs to “save” humanity from the great evil: themselves.
The TV series is about some people who find out they have special powers and start to develop them. This happens because evolution, it’s a story about natural selection and how the species change to adapt in world conditions.
The series is good because it has a very interesting philosophical background about finding a way to save the world (that’s the biggest concern), and it has a convincing and rational explanation for everything. When you watch it, you always get surprised with things that happen.
Sylar is the main villain (yeah, there are more than just one) and he is spectacular one because he starts from zero, when he understands that his special power is being able to understand everything.
However, Sylar doesn’t use it to save nothing, but to take what he wants. The first special powers he steals is the mind power: telekinesis. Then, we see a particular show every time he uses people’s powers and get new ones. Instead of the original owners, he always knows how to use all the powers and he is never afraid of doing this.
It’s a horror show watch him hunting other people and doing extraordinary things with many different powers. He is, certainly, one of the most powerful villains it exists, but he isn’t invincible.
HEROES is a very good program, but just in its first season, from the second on, there are many mistakes and problems in the plot.
Sylar’s best quotation: “You are broken. I’ll fix you”. (he says
it before opening people’s heads).
There are more secrets about him I won’t tell; maybe if you watch it you will see.
Be careful, he makes no noise and you can’t see him, but don’t worry, he’ll help you taking this trivial thing you call life.
Give him your grade and let your comments please.
For one week, I couldn’t find time to write, and it got me very upset, because I really want to do it. Now, it’s late, I’m tired, I couldn’t have a bath yet, but I’m here, and I’ll write. I need to. (This text was written at about one o’clock, November, 23rd, 2010)
Well, I spent a lot of time thinking about how I could classify my favorite villains. Some of them are easier, but others aren’t. So, I decided to do it different: I’m going to write about my five favorite ones, and while I do this, I’ll think about the classification and then, at the end of the process, I’ll make my list. (Here, I wanna ask for your help. Write your comments and help me find my best villain, because I’m really in doubt).
Remember: it’s not just a question of being bad, but of being the best inside the wickedness.
My first character comes now. Enjoy it.
Why start writing about villains? Oh, just because in most of cases they are much more fascinating than the good guys.
Think a little: when you watch a movie, do you sometimes catch yourself cheering for the evil side?
When you see the bad guy hitting the good ones and doing great things, using his amazing powers while the ‘nice guys’ are there, worrying about cats, dogs and flowers, don’t you fell a supreme happiness?
When the villains are women, have you ever stopped to notice that almost in all the cases they are gorgeous - much more than the princess and good girls.
More than anything, the bad size of the power is always beautiful, powerful, and it has personality. The bad guys don’t fear and aren’t afraid of desiring what they really want. They go there and do it.
Yeah. I admire some of them, and as everyone can see, most of people do too. That’s why even in those horrible demonstrations of bad taste called soap operas, people always want to dress like the villains, who are more succeed than heroes, at least in terms of audience.
Oh yeah, they have style.
Starting here, I’ll choose 5 villains I really admire and think that are the best ones.
Remember: Good villains are always interesting people. That’s the first signal for you to recognize a super villain.
Read my texts and comment them, please.
This question made me write my last texts, and now, after a month, I realized that maybe I can understand better than before why heroes need to exist.
They represent our dreams and fears. They are what we would like to be and they do what we would like to do.
This allows us to live a different and more exciting life. Is it a good or a bad thing? Oh, no, it can’t be answered, it’s more than this. Sometimes, it is necessary to scape to find the truth.
I wrote about Super Man, Hulk, Batman and Superman. There are lots of super heroes who I would love to write about, but for now I think these ones are enough. In fact, this is not an end, because I believe that things never really end.
My last conclusion is that heroes will always exist while hope still exists. You can be a hero, I can be a hero: we all can be heroes in our specific way. It’s just a matter of trying hard and believing in ourselves and in the future.
The way is never give up fighting: a real hero never does.
Incredible Hulk is a green, strange, big, and ugly super hero. Well, in fact, I’m not sure if I can call him a “hero”. Does he save people? Oh, I don’t think so… Does he do anything good? I don’t really think so… Is he interesting? Well, no… no… no…
It took me a lot of time to decide what to write about him. And then, I realized that is because there’s nothing really important to say about Hulk.
Let’s go: he’s a scientist who had a nuclear accident and after it he evolves a big problem. When he gets angry, he becomes green and bigger, and he can’t control himself. He tuns, in other words, in an irrational monster.
Well, what can I say about it? Hulk is a try to show difficulties of humans in controlling themselves. Going deeper in the story, we can see that love may be the only thing that make us different from animals and monsters. When Hulk is angry, one of the only things that can calm him down is the view of his love: Betty Ross, a young and beautiful girl.
The story intends to show that inside everyone there’s a dangerous and scaring monster, ready to come out and take control, and that we need to fight it. Once more, we have a metaphor.
If this is or not good? Oh, I let this question for you. Maybe, when it was created it was original. However, nowadays, it’s a little irrelevant.
Conclusion: 4 – the metaphor deserves some attention, but it doesn’t worth very much.
It’s almost midnight and I’m still thinking about a word to start this text. In fact, I’m not looking for a word, but for THE word. Now, among Broken Embraces and American Pop music, I guess I finally found it, I have three.
HEART. Batman is a superhero that I have never liked. Never, until one year ago, when I watched the last movie: “The Dark Knight”. Today, it’s such a triviality to say that the movie was good, very good or excellent… Everybody knows it. Some agree, some don’t… But the fact is that everybody, with no exception, understands that the series (a little deteriorated) reached a new level after that movie.
He, the “Dark Knight”, is just one more person in a big world. He doesn’t have special powers, he doesn’t come from a distant galaxy, he is simply a man, an ordinary man. Bruce Wayne is just a person like you and me. As well as everybody, he has his history, and, when we understand it, we realize that Batman could be anyone, because, more than anything, ha has a living HEART.
STRENGH. Batman has strength to fight his own phantoms from the past. He is able to become more than the world asked him to. Destiny doesn’t choose its victims, and he was one of them. But he knows he doesn’t need to listen to destiny: he makes his way through life. I think he understood that being a hero is more than saving people, more than flying in the sky and being good, it’s a question of finding a way to save yourself from the internal monsters. And to do this, it’s necessary to remember that they can’t be beaten, just numbed, and the fight never ends. Batman summarizes the whole human history: we always lose, it doesn’t matter how much we try, we’ll still lose something… That’s why we need STRENGTH!
FEAR. Batman doesn’t fear his classical enemies, in fact, they need him, and he needs them. His fear comes from deeper…
In the movie, I learned that a villain is much more than wickedness; it’s the fear in itself. Fear destroys anything that lets it in. Batman could control his fears, and it makes him superior. He doesn’t fears others, he inspires FEAR.
In the end, I can see good elements in Batman, but they are his ruin. He is human, he isn’t good or bad, he isn’t too powerful or weak, he is just himself: a man, an incomplete man. In the minute he accepts himself as one more in the boat, he loses his magic.
Is he original? Yes, he certainly is. But he is too real too. A hero can’t be like this. A real one needs to exist just in the limits, having problems like ordinary people, but being able to do something more… Feel something more! How is it possible to find fun in someone that is so real…? So close to average... These are his biggest trumps and his worst problems! A paradox.
He is Batman, just Batman. Super powers don’t make a hero, but they help to create it.
I like him, but I can’t feel him as THE HERO, he is just a hero.
Superman: an unreal dream... So different from everything, but so equal... No one can be like that, because everybody already is...
Clark Kent is a good guy. Too much good to be real. He is the strongest living creature in the world, however, at the same time, he is able to be one of the weakest too…
Does Kryptonite make him weak? Oh no, that’s just a symbolic allusion to his true fear: life. He knows he doesn’t belong to anywhere. He can’t find home because there is no home for him. That’s what makes him more human than any human.
Deep Inside his heart, he knows he’s not different from Lex Luthor; a fanatic for saving people when it becomes clear he can’t save himself. The only difference is his super strength.
Now, a good point of the story: his glasses. That’s a very intelligent metaphor. When Clark takes off his glasses and becomes unrecognizable, he shows his real face. He tries to put all his fault on his enemies, but he can’t see that no one is really guilty: the destiny of everything in the whole universe is in each small grain of sand. We are all responsible for everything.
Villains? Not Lex Luthor, not Brainiac, none super bad guy. Oh, no, the truth is superman’s worst enemy and the glasses are the best mask for him, because when Clark Takes them off, he becomes even blinder.
Conclusion: Superman is a stereotype of the entire human race. He is strong and invulnerable in his appearance, but even the smallest peace of rock can hurt him. Aren’t we all like this?
Who are my heroes? What is it to be a hero? What does a person need to do to become a hero?
Then, I thought about my childhood, and about the characters I used to consider my heroes. Well, first, I always liked spider-man, I think he’s still my favorite one, but I’m not able to see him as I used to anymore. Maybe he became different, or did I?
I think the answer is clear.
Is it necessary to wear red (or any other nonsense color) and to have super powers? Oh, Now, when I see Peter Parker, I think the only spider-man’s heroic act is to have the strength to accept he killed his uncle. He fights his own demons and he goes after something he can never find: forgiveness. The truth is that there’s no escaping from the past. You can’t live before facing it.
What about the other super heroes? We have Superman, Batman, and Hulk (just to mention the most famous ones. And I apologize if I let many good ones out of the list, but in the end, they are all the same).
Starting tomorrow, I’ll write four little articles about these four super heroes. My intention is to show what lies under their apparent faces. And maybe, after all of this, I can find again a reason to believe the world can be saved by a web among buildings or by a sad man who likes red and blue clothes.
Words to describe super heroes? They don’t exist, both of them. Children are the happiest people in the word because they don’t need words to believe. They just do. I Don’t.
Today I watched a movie named DONNIE DARKO. Oh, I must confess that I had a big surprise!
I like almost all kinds of movies and I always wait good things from the movies I watch, sometimes they reach my expectations, sometimes not. About this movie, I was expecting something really big.
I had read some reviews about it and they all said it is a good movie, so I was
waiting for a classic, a special movie.
And now you must be thinking: “Oh, he got very disappointed, because he’s taking too much time to talk about the movie….” And do you want to know?
No, I got so HAPPY!
It’s almost a perfect movie for me! It has lots if interesting things to think about.
Before I talk about it, let me tell you what I think it is a good experience in terms of cinema: in my opinion a movie must be interesting not just while it’s being played, but after we go out of the cinema and when the TV is off, and Donnie Darko is one of those
movies that makes me feel strange for days…
Now, while I write this text I’m still intrigued by it.
Well, let’s see its plot: Donnie Darko, the name of the movie, is still the name of the main character, performed by Jake Gillenhaal (a rising actor). Donnie is a strange, intelligent and different teenager, which has problems with all people around him. When we meet the boy, he is already in a psychic treatment, but until this point, things are under control. The real problems start when Donnie faces his most new friend: a big, white and Scary rabbit called Frank.
Frank, the rabbit, tells Donnie to keep doing destructive things, and the boy can’t say no, because the rabbit had saved him from a very curious and mysterious death some time ago. Donnie gets always far from sanity and he takes all the ones around him to this deep and dark hole.
An intelligent and original movie that plays with limits of imagination and questions what is really real in the universe. If this is not enough, the true story starts when Frank, the neurotic giant rabbit, says the world is going to end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. Not for coincidence, in Halloween. In the end, you will definitely want to watch it again.
If you are ready to exercise your brain, watch it. But remember: things are never what they seem to be.
I created this blog last year for a College's assignement. My English teacher at University asked me to, and I and my classmates decided to do our best. At that time, I wanted to keep writing after the end of the activity, but I must confess that I couldn’t.
I thought a little, and I saw that I must live!
First of all, there’s not this “I don’t have time” thing, I heard a statement some time ago that was perfect for this occasion: “We all have time, and we decide which our priorities are! So, time is not the real problem, but our decisions” I need to find time to do what I want to do, because no one’s going to do it for me.
Starting today, I promise I’ll write at least once a week (It’s good for someone who kept without writing for almost one year!).